ITM Guide: Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

Lee Kaiser explains the 2022 NFPA Updates to ITM

VP of Engineering at ORR Protection, Lee Kaiser, takes a few minutes to explain the 2022 NFPA updates to how you inspect, test and maintain fire protection systems.

Explore Functional and Visual Testing Requirements


Join ORR Protection's roundtable discussion regarding the most recent ITM recommendations.

Our team of experts, Danielle Galimini, Lee Kaiser, Aaron Wille, and Colin English, answer your most pressing ITM questions in this helpful video.

Download our 2022 ITM Quick Reference Guide

What is it?

ORR Protection has put together a quick reference guide to visual inspection and functional tests for common fire protection systems.

Requirements are grouped by system type and frequencies, guiding the user to the governing code.

The quick reference guide is a free, brief summation of some of common ITM requirements in the NFPA standards and codes.

ITM Quick Guides

ITM Resources

During the MCFP Virtual Conference series, expert Steve Nelson, covers the basics of fire alarm panel inspection, testing, and maintenance. 

During the MCFP Virtual Conference series, expert Lee Kaiser, covers deficiencies and impairments for your fire suppression and detection systems.

During the MCFP Virtual Conference series, expert Lee Kaiser, covers record keeping standards for inspection, testing and maintenance.