Part 2 of the "About ORR" video Series
In our ongoing video series, About ORR, Chairman of ORR Protection, Clark Orr, expires the sentiments of our associates across the nation.

Video Transcript:
Speaker 1: (00:07)
We certainly want an environment where people, first of all, want people to come to work. You know, the last thing we want is to have associates who just dread getting up every day. I'm not saying every day is to be amazing and everything's gonna fall into place. There's hard days and there's easy days, but my hope, and I believe the leadership team's goal, is for people to find real meaning and satisfaction and purpose in, their work here. We spend most of our waking hours at our jobs. So the quality of life, the sense of purpose, the satisfaction, the sense of accomplishment is really, really important to me. And I think it's important to the organization. We are always looking for ways to do a better job of providing a career path inside of our organization.
Many of our associates want to expand their roles. They want to expand their responsibility with either within our company or within another company. They want to grow their careers. And we want to provide opportunities for associates like that to grow with us. Most of that comes out of growing our company. If we grow our company, there's more opportunities for people to advance. And we also have people inside of the company who love their job and that they want to ride this out until they retire. And that's wonderful.
We want to have an environment where people enjoy doing that. They enjoy the people they work with. They enjoy the way that they're treated. They get the appropriate medical and retirement benefits that they need. And they don't have to worry about those aspects of their lives so much. You know, we want people to walk away whether they retire from us or they change jobs. But, we want people to feel like they they've become better because they've been part of ORR. That would be the ultimate lofty goal. If people walked away from our company, either at the end of their career or at the end of their time with us and said, "Hey, I, I feel like I'm a better person because of the experience I had with that company and with the people I worked with," that would be a success for us.